Friday, November 17, 2006

Naphthalene not to be confused with Naphtha

People often interchange the two, but Naphtha is different: it is an industrial solvent which is the main content in lighter fluid.

Whereas Naphthalene is the content of old fashioned mothballs,
PARADICHLOROBENZENE is the newer version of mothballs banned in the state of California.
Although not as immediately toxic as Naphthalene, it is a known carcinogen whereas Naphthalene is suspect.

1 comment:

DB said...

I found this problem at my mother's home.
A problem is the penetration of the Naphthalene order into furniture wood - it does not air out completely after 2 years, making the room smelly. And anything put in those drawers. The dresser drawers which had wool and these mothballs in them are now a problem - how to get rid of the smell?! Seal the drawers, wash it out with solvent, trash the dresser, what?!
The drawer boxes are unfinished oak with luan bottoms.